Grow a Victory Garden!
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Grow a Victory Garden!

Each year, GRuB’s Kitchen Garden Project creates opportunities for the many forms of giving that can grow from a garden. We do so by building vegetable gardens with 50-70 households each spring, bringing people together around food, supporting community education on gardening and cooking, and inviting our amazing GRuB School youth crew and Victory Farmers team to share their skills and values beyond their immediate community.


Throughout the summer and fall, we hear stories of gardeners sharing vegetables with neighbors, friends, and family. Families report enjoying time gardening together and sharing meals from food they grew together. We see gardeners inspiring their neighbors to start gardens and supporting each other through the exchange of knowledge, seeds and plants from year to year. Gardeners also share with us that they use their gardens and community events at GRuB to improve their mental and physical health. These are all ways that we give to ourselves, to each other, and to our community through our gardens.


As we prepare for the upcoming season of garden building we hope you will continue giving to others through your garden. We also invite you to make a donation to our end-of-the-year fundraising effort. The cost for one vegetable garden is $500 per year or $42 per month. If just 100 gardeners made a donation of $5 each then as a group we can build a garden for one new gardener in 2017! This is the power of small donors! We invite you to contribute any amount toward our goal. We know that this may not be the right fit for everyone at this time, and we hope that you will find ways to give that fit your life. We recognize and value the many ways gardeners share the garden bounty with their communities.

With love and appreciation, 

Gabriel and Jackson

ABOUT 2016 Mail Appeal


GRuB is reaching out to our wonderful community to help us meet our annual fundraising goal of $50,000 by December 31st. Please read our story and help us grow the GRuB hive this season. Bee kind, bee supportive and bee generous!  Your donations to GRuB are tax deductible!

Name Date Amount Comments
Gabriel F Marks 12/09/2016 $10.00  
  Total $10.00