Help Mallorie Grow GRuB!
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Help Mallorie Grow GRuB!
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Let's raise $1,000 towards GRuB's work!

GRuB is currently trying to raise $50,000 by the end of the year and my goal is to raise $1,000 of that through people I know. I’ve been fortunate enough to be a part of GRuB’s work for 6 years (since I was a 16 year old crew member in our youth program!) and I continue to be amazed by the impact that this organization has on our community. This is my ask for you to join me in this work too.

My current role at GRuB is to support our “Pollination” work. This means that I get to help other communities start similar youth programs to our own GRuB School. This past year we helped Tumwater School District and the City of Tumwater launch their own farm and high school program, which this summer paid 21 youth to grow food for the Tumwater Senior Center, Thurston County Food Bank, and Tumwater School District cafeterias. During the school year there are now about 18 youth earning credits in Civics, Science, and two elective credits for maintaining the farm and studying the root causes of hunger in our society. This year I’m helping Eatonville School District design a similar program that they hope to launch this summer.

As I’m doing that work, I get to cheer on my coworkers who are teaching and empowering a crew of 20+ youth here at GRuB every day, or who are building gardens with low-income families, or are leading field trips of curious kids around the farm and answering all of their questions (like “Where’s the chocolate chip tree?!”).

How this relates to you:

We couldn’t do these things (and I wouldn’t have a job that love so much!) without the support of our community. I’m inviting you to invest in this work now so that we can continue to create positive change.

If you already donate to GRuB’s work, THANK YOU. Would you consider donating again? Would you increase the amount you give?

If this is the first time you’re considering donating to GRuB’s work, THANK YOU. I hope there is something about what we do that inspires you and you think is worth investing in.

Every dollar that is contributed helps! We’re grateful for gifts small and large. You can also consider a one-time gift or becoming a monthly renewing donor.


ABOUT 2016 Mail Appeal


GRuB is reaching out to our wonderful community to help us meet our annual fundraising goal of $50,000 by December 31st. Please read our story and help us grow the GRuB hive this season. Bee kind, bee supportive and bee generous!  Your donations to GRuB are tax deductible!

Name Date Amount Comments
Emily Lardner 12/23/2016 $100.00 Thanks for all the good work!
Jacob Phinney 12/22/2016 $50.00  
Carolyn Cosgrove-Payne 12/22/2016 $20.00  
Jacob Phinney 12/13/2016 $20.00  
Anonymous Friend 12/09/2016 $25.00 So FRESH!
LAURA PARSONS 12/08/2016 $10.00 Best of Luck!
  Total $225.00